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Showing posts from October, 2018

[thoughts on] BnHA The Movies: Two Heroes and by two heroes i mean Bakugo & Uraraka

the first thing you need to do when your favorite Hero gang dropped a movie is to watch it . Make sure to do it on the very first day and you’ll be safe from seeing / hearing any spoiler around haha. I’m glad to have some friend who’s into this anime or else i’ll be going alone just like the many individual fan who came that night. okay, so i guess this movie happened somewhere before All Might announce his retirement and reveal his true form to the world, because he’s trying to stay in his bulky body the entire time. It’s Summer Holiday and took place on I-Island and through variety of reason, all UA student end up there. it was all good until the villain show up and as expected Deku was the first one to plot a rescue plan despite not having a license (yet). a few moment later they're running all the way up to the top floor-- the 200th floor--while encountering many security bots & villains. i'm sad by the fact that Tsuyu and Tokoyami weren't there with them b...

[ON-REPEAT] i keep my ideals

...and that would be exactly the opening theme itself not the original version. a short (and sweet) 1:29 minute but able to use the proper part of the song, blended beautifully with the best possible cuts showing the whole pack of the character for this season. yes it’s eye-ear-pleasing, especially when you thought Peace Sign was the only thing matter from this anime. lol. (oh and KaChako) Odd Future  live up to its name for being odd. im excited for nothing, because i was ready to be blown by the Full (longer) version until the PV come out and it’s like seeing a total different world. well, visually im liking the aesthetics from the red horse, the square lights, the dancing girl AND the unexpected EDM minutes they offer on verse two WHICH I MUST SAY IS THE BRILLIANT PART. okay i shouldn't fall for a slight moment, but that very part felt sooooo good, especially when it happened right after the 1st chorus which IS the weirdest--oddest--through the entire song. if you carr...