...and that would be exactly the opening theme itself not the original version. a short (and sweet) 1:29 minute but able to use the proper part of the song, blended beautifully with the best possible cuts showing the whole pack of the character for this season. yes it’s eye-ear-pleasing, especially when you thought Peace Sign was the only thing matter from this anime. lol. (oh and KaChako)
Odd Future live up to its name for being odd. im excited for nothing, because i was ready to be blown by the Full (longer) version until the PV come out and it’s like seeing a total different world. well, visually im liking the aesthetics from the red horse, the square lights, the dancing girl AND the unexpected EDM minutes they offer on verse two WHICH I MUST SAY IS THE BRILLIANT PART. okay i shouldn't fall for a slight moment, but that very part felt sooooo good, especially when it happened right after the 1st chorus which IS the weirdest--oddest--through the entire song. if you carry on further, you'll encounter saxophone out of the blue which complete the oddness even more, and when you think you're ready to accept any kind of randomness, you're already facing the exit path because the next thing you'll hear is the Ideal part you've been missing all along ~
in summary it was like:
(0:12): okay first line was weird. didn't see it coming but it's okay and it's normal to have something different since this is their original work. gotta appreciate it you guyssss
(1:10): here we goooooooo ~
(1:11): (only to find out) a hey ~ hey...??? HEY ~ HEY?!! isn't it supposed to be a blasting moment?
(1:26): ooohhh ... okay that's interesting. ME LIKEY.
(1:57): okay im counting on you bring the Ideal one!!
(2:26): dsfagfhkfdsghjfaksd !!! I HATE CHU whats with the sax i dont approve
(2:44): onegaiiii
also the album art plays important role (as always) to the purchase factor, and if you ask which version i land my hands on, it’s definitely the LIMITED PRESSING. how can you not fall for these three dominating character as the main cover, PLUS
i do feel betrayed at first but i can finally embrace and accept the whole 3:46 minutes and put this On-Repeat. i think the EDM saves the day but i'm getting the idea how Odd Future is meant to be oddly odd and it has to turn out this way. haha. i'm new to uverworld tho so this is my first impression for the band thanks to BnHA ~ well done. very well done and thank you for the rollercoaster ride!
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